Hangzhou Detex Market Sales Data
Established in 2002, Detex serves a broad range of customers from small start-ups to worldwide recognized companies as well as retail web sites. With the low costs we offer, your business has a competitive advantage of entering the high end markets around the globe.
In year 2020, Detex's products are exported to 18 countries, mainly in Europe (82%), South America (5%), and North America (5%).
The European countries, such as UK (35%), France (15%), Germany, Poland, Holand, are our main markets.
Annually, we produce more than 2700 styles, and total quantity is over 1 million pieces. These products cover jackets, coats, suits, knitwear, shirts, blouse, dress, skirt, pants and accessories.
Men's 50%, Women's 45%, Kids' 5%